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All About Liver Elastography

Many chronic liver diseases, including fatty liver disease and hepatitis B and C, have the potential to damage your liver and cause scars to form. The more scar tissue there is, the stiffer your liver becomes, which affects how it functions. Scar tissue reduces blood flow to the organ, resulting in more liver damage and additional scarring called fibrosis. 

Liver elastography measures your liver’s elasticity. Here at GastroDoxs, Dr. Bharat Pothuri may order the noninvasive procedure if he suspects you have scarring in your liver. 

If you’re scheduled for liver elastography, here’s what to expect from the procedure and the results. 

What to expect during the procedure

During liver elastography, Dr. Pothuri or your technician uses a surface ultrasound probe to deliver a low-frequency pulse to a small part of liver tissue under your rib cage. 

The procedure is noninvasive and painless. Unlike a liver biopsy, which can be invasive and uncomfortable, elastography offers a painless and rapid alternative for assessing liver health.

We perform elastography in our office during a routine visit. 

What elastography reveals

The technology uses either ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to evaluate the liver's stiffness. Stiffer liver tissue usually has fibrosis or scarring, which gives Dr. Pothuri information about the presence and severity of liver diseases.

Why undergo liver elastography

Liver elastography can detect liver disease at an early stage. Early identification allows for timely treatment and management, potentially preventing the progression of conditions such as liver fibrosis and cirrhosis.

Liver elastography also allows Dr. Pothuri to monitor liver stiffness over time. This is particularly beneficial if you have a chronic liver disease, as it helps our team assess the effectiveness of treatment strategies and make informed decisions about your ongoing care.

Although liver biopsy has long been considered the gold standard for assessing liver conditions, it is an invasive procedure associated with certain risks and discomfort. Liver elastography offers a noninvasive alternative and doesn’t present the same side effects. Plus, there’s no recovery time needed. 

And, unlike the waiting period associated with biopsy results, liver elastography provides rapid and real-time data. This reduces your anxiety and allows for prompt medical decisions.

Liver elastography is an innovative technology that enhances our diagnostic capabilities but also prioritizes your comfort. If you have concerns about your liver health or are seeking a comprehensive assessment, contact our office today to set up an appointment. 

Call GastroDoxs in Houston, Texas, or use this website to schedule your first consultation.

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