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Healthy Habits That Protect Your Gut

Healthy Habits That Protect Your Gut

Your gut health impacts your overall well-being. We share some expert tips about how to protect your gut with lifestyle habits that you can adopt every day.
Oct 9th, 2024

Bowel Movements: What's Normal and What's Not?

Understanding what constitutes normal bowel movements and recognizing abnormal signs is essential for maintaining digestive health. Find out if you might need medical advice from a gastroenterologist to address potential underlying issues.
Aug 5th, 2024
All-Natural Ways to Reduce GERD

All-Natural Ways to Reduce GERD

If you have the heartburn, regurgitation, and general discomfort of GERD, making some lifestyle and dietary changes can significantly improve your symptoms and quality of life. We share natural ways to reduce GERD.
Jul 1st, 2024

Lifestyle Adjustments to Manage Dysphagia

Incorporating lifestyle adjustments can significantly enhance the quality of life for people with dysphagia, which is difficulty swallowing. Learn more about how you or a loved one can make daily changes to improve symptoms of dysphagia.
May 13th, 2024
I'm at Risk for Colon Cancer — What Should I Do?

I'm at Risk for Colon Cancer — What Should I Do?

Having an increased risk of developing colon cancer doesn’t mean the disease is inevitable. Learn how you can proactively reduce your risk of colon cancer and detect any potential problems early on, when it’s most treatable.
Apr 1st, 2024

IBD-Friendly Snacks to Munch On

When you have inflammatory bowel disease, watching your diet helps you manage your condition during flare-ups and during remission. You may have mealtime down, but snacks pose a challenge. Here are some suggestions for IBD-friendly munchies.
Mar 1st, 2024

When Is Abdominal Pain a Sign of Ulcerative Colitis?

Ulcerative colitis describes a condition in which inflammation overtakes your colon and rectum. When this happens, small ulcers can create abdominal pain, bleeding, and other unpleasant symptoms. How do you know you have ulcerative colitis? Read on.
Feb 1st, 2024

All About Liver Elastography

If you have suspected damage to your liver from a disease like hepatitis or fatty liver disease, you may be scheduled for liver elastography to look for scarring on the organ. Here’s what to know about this procedure.
Jan 4th, 2024
6 Common Signs of Acid Reflux

6 Common Signs of Acid Reflux

You may know acid reflux as heartburn, but there are other signs of this digestive issue. We share six common signs of acid reflux that we can treat to help you manage the condition.
Dec 1st, 2023
How to Prepare for Your First Colonoscopy

How to Prepare for Your First Colonoscopy

Preparing for your first colonoscopy may seem daunting, but it's a crucial step in maintaining your colorectal health. Learn all you need to know to prepare for this important screening test.
Nov 1st, 2023
5 Ways (and Reasons) to Eat More Fiber

5 Ways (and Reasons) to Eat More Fiber

Fiber has incredible health benefits. It regulates your digestion and can protect you from chronic conditions like cancer and heart disease. We share our expert recommendations on how to include more fiber in your diet.
Oct 1st, 2023
I Feel Like Food Is Stuck in My Throat: Is It Dysphagia?

I Feel Like Food Is Stuck in My Throat: Is It Dysphagia?

Feeling like food is stuck in your throat may indicate dysphagia (difficulty swallowing). You should never ignore this feeling, especially if it’s persistent or recurring. Learn more about other symptoms and treatments for dysphagia.
Sep 1st, 2023
5 Ways to Manage an IBS Flare-up

5 Ways to Manage an IBS Flare-up

If you have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), you know the cramping, diarrhea and/or constipation, and bloating can seriously disrupt your life. Here’s how to manage your IBS flare-ups to reduce or eliminate symptoms.
Aug 1st, 2023
Gas Pain vs Gallstones: How to Tell the Difference

Gas Pain vs Gallstones: How to Tell the Difference

If you feel nauseous and uncomfortable after a rich meal, it could be simple indigestion. But, these are also signs of gallstones. Here’s how to know the difference between gas pain and a gallbladder attack and when you should seek medical help.
Jul 12th, 2023
3 Reasons You May Have Chronic Constipation

3 Reasons You May Have Chronic Constipation

Occasional constipation is normal, but when you’re irregular on the regular, it can be seriously disruptive to your daily life. When you understand the possible causes of your constipation, you can take steps to resolve it.
Jun 1st, 2023
Try These Home Remedies for Acid Reflux

Try These Home Remedies for Acid Reflux

Acid reflux causes an uncomfortable burning sensation in your chest that can last for just a few minutes or up to several hours. When you experience acid reflux, here are some home remedies you can adopt to ease the pain and discomfort.
Apr 1st, 2023
Does Diverticulitis Go Away On Its Own?

Does Diverticulitis Go Away On Its Own?

Diverticulitis is inflammation of diverticula, small pouches that form on the lining of the digestive system. Diverticulitis often heals on its own, but dietary changes, rest, antibiotics, and, rarely, surgery can help.
Mar 1st, 2023
Help for Dysphagia

Help for Dysphagia

When you have dysphagia, which is difficulty swallowing, it can be hard to get the nutrition you need. People with the condition may lose too much weight and are at a greater risk of choking. Help is available.
Feb 2nd, 2023
Understanding Your Risk for Colon Cancer

Understanding Your Risk for Colon Cancer

An average risk of colon cancer means you have about a 5% chance of developing the disease in your lifetime. Risk increases with age and other factors, like a family history of the disease. Learn more about your risk for developing colon cancer.
Jan 1st, 2023
When Abdominal Pain Is Cause for Concern

When Abdominal Pain Is Cause for Concern

Everyone experiences abdominal pain at times, but how do you know when it’s more than a passing virus or just a bad case of constipation? The following signs indicate that you should pay attention to your abdominal pain and seek medical care.
Dec 1st, 2022
Why You Shouldn't Ignore Constipation

Why You Shouldn't Ignore Constipation

Constipation isn’t something you should just tolerate. Chronic constipation causes discomfort and can be a sign of a medical condition. Here’s why you should get checked out if you’re struggling with constipation.
Nov 1st, 2022
 Here's When to Seek Help for Diarrhea

Here's When to Seek Help for Diarrhea

Diarrhea can feel miserable or be concerning, but short-term episodes happen to just about everyone from time to time and don’t usually require a visit to the doctor. But, there are times when diarrhea does signal a need for medical help.
Oct 6th, 2022
What's Causing Your Rectal Bleeding?

What's Causing Your Rectal Bleeding?

You’re understandably concerned when you notice blood on the toilet paper after you wipe or in the bowl following a bowel movement. Did you know that the qualities of the blood give you a clue as to what’s causing your rectal bleeding?
Sep 1st, 2022
Foods to Avoid If You Have Chronic Acid Reflux

Foods to Avoid If You Have Chronic Acid Reflux

Chronic acid reflux, or GERD, causes uncomfortable burning and soreness in your chest and throat after just about every meal. Certain foods aggravate your symptoms and escalate acid reflux episodes. Here are foods to avoid when you have GERD.
Aug 2nd, 2022
Reasons You May Need a Colonoscopy

Reasons You May Need a Colonoscopy

A colonoscopy can save your life by catching cancer or precancerous lesions in your colon. A colonoscopy gives other important information to your gastroenterologist, too. Here’s when you know it’s time to get one.
Jun 1st, 2022
The Link Between Obesity and Acid Reflux

The Link Between Obesity and Acid Reflux

Obesity raises your risk of developing chronic acid reflux. The persistent heartburn affects your everyday life and can make you regret eating foods you love. Here’s why obesity is linked to acid reflux and how losing a few pounds can help.
May 1st, 2022
What Does an Endoscopy Entail?

What Does an Endoscopy Entail?

If you’re scheduled for an endoscopy to investigate unexplained stomach pain or digestive tract bleeding, you want to know what to expect. This outpatient procedure can investigate your upper or lower intestines.
Mar 1st, 2022
Five Common Causes of Acid Reflux

Five Common Causes of Acid Reflux

Acid reflux describes that uncomfortable experience when stomach acid backs up and regurgitates into your esophagus. Understand what may be causing your acid reflux so you can avoid experiencing it.
Feb 1st, 2022
How Serious Is Rectal Bleeding?

How Serious Is Rectal Bleeding?

When you see blood on the toilet paper when you wipe or evidence of it in your stool, you’re understandably concerned. Rectal bleeding can indicate a serious condition. Here’s when you should contact your doctor about it.
Dec 7th, 2021
The Importance of Getting a Colonoscopy

The Importance of Getting a Colonoscopy

Major health organizations recommend people at an average risk of colorectal cancer start their screening colonoscopies at age 45. You feel fine, however, and see the test as an inconvenience. Here’s why you should make your colonoscopy a priority.
Nov 4th, 2021
What Is Constipation, and What Can You Do About It?

What Is Constipation, and What Can You Do About It?

Occasional bouts of constipation are normal. But chronic constipation that lasts weeks or longer is uncomfortable and life-disrupting. Constipation can also be the sign of a serious condition. Here’s what to do if you’re bothered by constipation.
Oct 5th, 2021
Who's at Risk for Colon Cancer?

Who's at Risk for Colon Cancer?

More than 100,000 people in the United States will be diagnosed with colon cancer this year. Will you be among them? Find out your risk and how to get screened. Early diagnosis makes treatment easier and reduces complications.
Sep 1st, 2021
Potential Complications of IBD

Potential Complications of IBD

Irritable bowel disease (IBD) doesn’t just cause flare-ups of uncomfortable inflammation. IBD can cause complications that affect your long-term health. Learn more about the impact IBD can have on you, especially if it’s unmanaged.
Aug 9th, 2021

Exercises That Can Help Your Dysphagia

Difficulty swallowing can make it hard for you to get the nourishment you need and can lead to serious medical problems. Certain exercises can help train your swallowing mechanisms to work more efficiently. Here are some to try.
Jul 26th, 2021

How Can a Colonoscopy Improve My Health?

A colonoscopy is an important health screening tool that can help identify if you’re at risk of colon cancer. Learn more about this test and find out when you should schedule yours.
Jun 9th, 2021

Rectal Bleeding: What's Behind Your Symptoms?

If you notice blood in your stool or on the toilet paper after you wipe, it’s understandably concerning. Rectal bleeding can be a sign of several different conditions, some of which are serious. Here’s how to interpret your rectal bleeding.
May 10th, 2021

4 Digestive Causes of Abdominal Pain

Abdominal pain results from a variety of causes, including issues like endometriosis that don’t really involve your digestive system. But, if you’re experiencing cramps, bloating, and other discomfort, they may have digestive causes.
Apr 11th, 2021

How Does GERD Affect Sleep?

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) can ruin a perfectly good night’s sleep. Here’s what you can do to find relief from the chronic acid reflux so you get better rest and improved quality of life.
Mar 11th, 2021

5 Signs of Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) refers to a collection of digestive diseases that cause painful irritation. IBD is a serious diagnosis and you need treatment. Here are six signs that you may suffer from IBD and should schedule a consultation.
Feb 22nd, 2021

Dysphagia: Four Helpful Treatments

Dysphagia, which is problems with swallowing, is a surprisingly complex condition that can lead to malnutrition, dehydration, and social isolation. Here are some ways to overcome or at least manage the condition so you can eat and drink with ease.
Jan 4th, 2021

5 Habits That Make Acid Reflux Worse

The pain and burning of acid reflux can be managed effectively with simple changes to your lifestyle. If you’re suffering from heartburn, modify these five habits right away to find relief.
Dec 14th, 2020

When Is Rectal Bleeding a Cause for Alarm?

Finding blood after you wipe or in your stool can be concerning, but isn’t always a cause for alarm. Learn when you should seek a medical evaluation when you experience rectal bleeding.
Nov 30th, 2020

Understanding Gastrointestinal Intolerance

Food intolerances may have some of the same symptoms as allergies, such as an upset stomach and diarrhea, but they’re very different conditions. Read on to better understand gastrointestinal intolerances and how to manage if you’ve been diagnosed with one.
Sep 30th, 2020

What Your Diarrhea May Be Signaling

A bout of diarrhea is inconvenient, unpleasant … even miserable … but it usually resolves within a few days. If you have diarrhea that lasts longer, it could indicate a medical problem. Learn when you should seek medical care for diarrhea.
Sep 20th, 2020

The Role of Stress in Acid Reflux

Stress is probably not the underlying cause of your acid reflux, but it sure can aggravate your heartburn. Take a moment to learn how calming down can ease your digestion.
Aug 20th, 2020

How an Upper Endoscopy Can Identify Your Digestive Discomfort

If you’re suffering from digestive distress that includes heartburn, nausea, or swallowing problems, an upper endoscopy may be ordered to help with diagnosis. The procedure gives us a direct view of your esophagus, stomach, and duodenum.
Jul 27th, 2020

The Link Between Diabetes and Colon Cancer

People with Type 2 diabetes are at a greater risk of developing colon cancer, and when diagnosed, they have a lower chance of survival. Learn more about the connection between these conditions and how early diagnosis can save your life.
May 21st, 2020

5 Common Foods that Can Cause Constipation

You may have constipation on occasion, but when it’s chronic – you suffer. Your diet can contribute to regular bouts of constipation. Learn which foods to avoid and what to eat instead to normalize your bowels.
Apr 24th, 2020
Look out below!

Blood in Your Stool? Here's What It Could Mean

It’s terrifying to find blood in your stool, but it’s not always a cause for concern. Many benign conditions can cause red streaks to show up on toilet paper or turn your stool tarry colored. Here’s what blood in your stool could mean.
Mar 9th, 2020

What's a Hiatal Hernia?

When the upper part of your stomach bulges through the muscle that separates your abdomen and chest, you have a hiatal hernia. Small versions don’t cause symptoms, but larger hernias can interfere with eating and comfortable digestion.
Feb 1st, 2020

Trouble Swallowing? It Could Be Dysphagia

If you’re challenged to swallow liquids, foods, or even your own saliva, it could be a very real medical condition known as dysphagia. Here’s information about this serious condition and how to avoid its potentially dangerous complications.
Jan 3rd, 2020

Common GERD Triggers to Avoid

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, called GERD for short, is chronic acid reflux that can seriously affect your quality of life. Knowing your triggers, which include foods, medications, and lifestyle habits, can help keep your symptoms to a minimum.
Dec 1st, 2019

Myths and Facts About IBS

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) affects 25-45 million Americans. The pain, digestive distress, and altered bowel habits of this disorder are often misunderstood.
Nov 1st, 2019

What Causes Rectal Bleeding?

Rectal bleeding can be scary, but a bit of pink or bright red on your toilet tissue is most often a sign of a minor condition such as hemorrhoids. But if you have blood in your stool, there may be another cause.
Oct 2nd, 2019

How Your Weight Affects Your Acid Reflux

If you suffer from acid reflux, you know how uncomfortable the burning from regurgitated stomach acid can be. Being overweight exacerbates the condition. Read on to learn why.
Sep 5th, 2019

When Should I See a Doctor About Constipation?

An occasional bout of constipation is normal. But if it becomes chronic, interfering with your daily quality of life, you deserve relief from the cramping and discomfort. Sometimes you should seek medical support for constipation.
Aug 2nd, 2019

Why You Should Never Ignore Blood in Your Stool

Rectal bleeding may be no cause for concern, such as in the case of hemorrhoids. But it can be a sign of a major health issue. To be prudent, get checked to be sure the blood in your stool isn’t a sign of a major problem.
Jul 1st, 2019

3 Helpful Tips for Finding Relief from IBS

There’s no official cure for the cramping, abdominal pain, gas, and bloating of IBS. You need to learn to manage symptoms over the long term. Here are three helpful ways to do that.
Mar 6th, 2019
Colonoscopies, GastroDoxs, Dr. Pothuri

Understanding the Importance of Colonoscopies

Colon cancer is one of the most curable types of cancer -- when it’s caught early. A colonoscopy is an essential screening test that can make a difference in detecting colon cancer when it’s most treatable.
Jan 7th, 2019

Does Diarrhea Require a Medical Evaluation?

In the majority of cases, diarrhea is brief and resolves on its own. In some instances though, it can be a warning sign that something else is going on. Know when diarrhea warrants a trip to our office to get checked out.
Sep 12th, 2018

Tips for Traveling With IBS

Don’t let IBS ruin your travel plans. With some mindful planning, you can control your symptoms while you’re on the go and look forward to enjoyable travel.
Aug 1st, 2018

The Difference Between a Bellyache and Abdominal Pain

There are some telltale signs that can help determine whether your bellyache is due to that extra slice of apple pie or something more serious that requires an immediate medical evaluation. Read on to learn how to spot the difference.
Jun 13th, 2018

Seven Signs You May Have Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Everyone gets digestive issues like gas and bloating at one time or another. However, if you experience gastrointestinal problems frequently, it may be a sign that you have irritable bowel syndrome.
Apr 25th, 2018

What Does Rectal Bleeding Indicate?

Rectal bleeding is often caused by easily-treated conditions such as hemorrhoids, but it can also indicate a more serious medical concern. It’s important to see a specialist who can confirm the source of the bleeding and provide treatment.
Feb 16th, 2018

8 Ways to Remedy Acid Reflux Without Medication

There’s no need to live with the pain and burning of acid reflux. As Dr. Pothuri explains, there are many things you can do to reduce the occurrence of reflux, without the need to resort to medication. Give these front line home treatments a try.
Jan 23rd, 2018